The rioters are being accused of racism, xenophobia, and Islamophobia; and certainly, their behaviour confirms this, and those are probably the main features of their way of thinking. However, to blame this sudden eruption on these particular—and abominable—traits is to miss the point. They, too, are a symptom.

Leer más UK Far-Right Riots Are a Symptom, Not a Cause

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Lecture given on July 15, 2022 during the XIX Islam in Europe Meeting, at the Center for Islamic Studies of the Greater Mosque of Granada. The text that follows is a study based on the political works of Ian Dallas on the path to individual and civic renewal. This has always been the path of the prophets, a return to fitra.

Leer más Fitra, the Path of the Prophets


Conferencia pronunciada el 15 de julio de 2022 durante el XIX Encuentro Islam en Europa, en el Centro de Estudios Islámicos de la Mezquita Mayor de Granada. El texto que sigue es un estudio basado en las obras políticas de Ian Dallas sobre el camino a la renovación cívica e individual, esté ha sido siempre el camino de los profetas.

Leer más Fitra, el camino de los profetas
