The rioters are being accused of racism, xenophobia, and Islamophobia; and certainly, their behaviour confirms this, and those are probably the main features of their way of thinking. However, to blame this sudden eruption on these particular—and abominable—traits is to miss the point. They, too, are a symptom.
Lecture given on July 15, 2022 during the XIX Islam in Europe Meeting, at the Center for Islamic Studies of the Greater Mosque of Granada. The text that follows is a study based on the political works of Ian Dallas on the path to individual and civic renewal. This has always been the path of the prophets, a return to fitra.
Conferencia pronunciada el 15 de julio de 2022 durante el XIX Encuentro Islam en Europa, en el Centro de Estudios Islámicos de la Mezquita Mayor de Granada. El texto que sigue es un estudio basado en las obras políticas de Ian Dallas sobre el camino a la renovación cívica e individual, esté ha sido siempre el camino de los profetas.
The Qatar World Cup presents us with a moral dilema, do we support the empty morality of the West or the harsh one of the Gulf? Or de we look beyond, to the reality that lies behind: money.
We want to give reality to our consciousness. Because we cannot do it in the hard matter and cold flesh, we invent a fantasy. An unseen fantasy: The Metaverse.
In the study of psychology, one learns that even the more delusional psychopaths have a justification for their actions. If you were to ask them, they would probably answer that they were “only putting things right”.
If, as we have proposed, loneliness is the painful acute perception of the passing of each moment in the expectation of something other than ourselves that will remove the condition of solitude, then the cure for loneliness is not the attaining of that thing, for that thing will not remove the condition of solitude -which is an ontological necessity of being a subject in the world-.
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This is the noblest thing in which men and women can collaborate. To stand next to each other and proclaim the truth; to recognize, magnify and worship their Lord; to help each other purifying the inner and the outer; to protect each other from that which is abominable, low and vulgar and to be generous with one another and with everyone else without expecting anything in return.
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Esto es lo más noble en lo que el hombre y la mujer pueden colaborar. Ponerse uno junto al otro y declarar la verdad; reconocer, engrandecer y adorar a su Señor; ayudarse mutuamente en la purificación de lo interno y lo externo; protegerse uno al otro de lo abominable, de lo bajo y lo vulgar y ser generosos el uno con el otro y con los demás, sin esperar nada a cambio.
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Podríamos decir, basados en el Corán, el propósito del ayuno es la Taqwa y el resultado de la Taqwa el conocimiento, que a su vez, no incrementa en Taqwa.
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