When you visit someone that is close to his death you can see that his senses are being taken away, the rope that moors him to this world is loosening.
From a sound heart and a profound spirit emanate harmonious forms, and Alexandria transmits just that. Although she’s ageing and not very well kept, her manners still exude fineness.
Un puro tiene dos facetas, la pública y la privada. Hay puros que uno gusta de fumar a solas y disfrutar de ellos como de una mujer hermosa, con las que el simple hecho de estar en su compañía es suficiente. En cambio, hay otros puros que son sociales y para los que la compañía de otros es, no necesaria, sino imprescindible. Este puro pertenecía a la segunda clase y habérmelo fumado a solas hubiese sido casi un crimen.
To understand a situation, the first thing is asking the right questions. This is the first step to understand a historical event, such as what has happened to Jerusalem.
Leer más An outline to begin to understand what has happened with Jerusalem
The story of how the love for the Prophet, peace be upon him, changed the destiny of a man. Or, we may say, how the love of the Messenger made his destiny unfold in an unexpected way even to himself.
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